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Airsoft Bazaar Policy

House Rules: Airsoft Bazaar Policy

Updated over 2 weeks ago

On Airsoft Bazaar, dozens of new ads are placed every day. To ensure that there isn't an excessive growth of ads, several rules have been established. You must agree to these rules before placing an ad. Ads that do not comply with the rules may be removed without notice.

The customer service will at all times enforce the following rules without exception. We are completely transparent in our policy. If you have questions about the policy, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.

General Policy of Airsoft Bazaar

  • Article 1: The general terms and conditions are applicable at all times.

  • Article 2: Violations of this policy are subject to penalties.

    • Section 1: Members who violate the rules will be punished by banning the account. A ban ensures that an account is not accessible for a predefined period.

      • Subsection a: If you violate one or more rules more than twice a year on two separate days? Then you will receive a temporary ban of 1 week.

      • Subsection b: Have you already received a temporary ban of 1 week and violate the rules again within 1 year on 2 different days? Then a ban of 30 days follows.

      • Subsection c: Have you already received a temporary ban of 30 days and again violate the rules within 1 year on 2 different days? Then you will be permanently banned.

    • Section 2: Notwithstanding the penalties mentioned in Article 2 Section 1, deviation is allowed if a violation is labeled as a serious violation. A serious violation is defined as;

      • Subsection a: Spamming; unsolicited and unwanted messages or ads sent in large quantities with the same, often worthless, content.

      • Subsection b: Scamming; Anyone who, with the intent to unlawfully benefit themselves or another, by assuming a false name or false capacity, or by cunning artifices, or by a fabric of deceit, induces someone to surrender any goods, to render a service, to make data available, to incur a debt, or to abolish a debt, is guilty of fraud.

    • Section 3: A serious violation is immediately punished with a permanent ban.

    • Section 4: Banning an account means; disabling an account so that the user can no longer log in, send messages, or create ads.

      • Subsection a: When an account is permanently banned, this automatically means that all its IP addresses used for logging in are also banned.

Review Policy

  • Article 1: It is not allowed to post a review on a profile when no purchase or sale has taken place between the respective users.

  • Article 2: A review must always be posted with accompanying writing in which the score of the review is clearly explained.

  • Article 3: Reviews must always be written in a language supported by Airsoft Bazaar.

  • Article 4: Airsoft Bazaar reserves the right to remove reviews at any time without any notice to the poster.

Advertisement Policy

  • Article 1: An ad must always fall within one of the categories on Airsoft Bazaar. If a product is placed outside its designated category, this is not allowed.

  • Article 2: Airguns intended for steel pallets or steel BBs are not allowed.

  • Section 1: Airguns intended to shoot other sizes than 6mm BBs are not allowed.

  • Article 3: Airguns of more than 3 joules are not allowed.

  • Article 4: It is not allowed to post phone numbers, email addresses, or links to websites in an ad. These may be placed in a private message if related to the product.

  • Article 5: It is not allowed to advertise business activities with a personal (standard) account. Business advertisers can contact us via customer service.

  • Article 6: Ads must always be written in a language supported by Airsoft Bazaar and must contain a good description of the product and its condition.

  • Article 7: It is not allowed to offer the same product simultaneously in multiple separate ads or to post them shortly after each other (remove and repost the same week).

  • Article 8: Airsoft Bazaar reserves the right to remove ads at any time without any notice to the poster.

  • Article 9: Images used must be unique and may not originate from other websites or be reused on other websites.

    • Section 1: Images must be of high quality and clearly depict the product being offered. The use of artificial additions or edits that are irrelevant to the sale or presentation of the product is not permitted.

    • Section 2: Admins and moderators reserve the right to remove any image or the associated advertisement in case of doubt.

  • Article 10: It is not allowed to offer different products in one ad, unless they have a direct relation to the primary product and are offered as a set. Separately pricing with the intention of selling multiple standalone products in one ad is thereby not allowed.

    • Examples include: “M4 replica with 5 magazines, 2 batteries, 1 optic, and a charger” or “A tactical vest with 10 different loose pouches” or “Pistol with 3 magazines, 1 case, and 2 loose slides”.

  • Article 11: Lot or bundle sale. Pricing items separately is only allowed in the lot/bundle sale category, provided the price and condition per item are clearly described.

    • Experience shows that well-organized ads sell better, therefore Airsoft Bazaar encourages advertising products separately, in individual ads.

  • Article 12: Accessories and attachments which are not part of the sale, but are visible in images must be clearly marked and/or described in the ad description as “not for sale”.

  • Article 13: The use of brand names for reproduction articles in the ad title and images is not allowed. If Airsoft Bazaar receives a “copyright infringement” request, the ad will be removed.

  • Article 14: If an ad is removed for violating the rules, the poster has no right to a refund. For example, an ad placed in the wrong category will be removed without refund.

Communication Policy

  • Article 1: Texts in ads, messages, or reviews must never be hateful, racist, or offensive in nature.

  • Article 2: Communication must always be respectful and meaningful.

  • Article 3: Airsoft Bazaar will never read messages from the users' message inbox unless there is a reason to do so.

  • Article 4: Airsoft Bazaar may, in the case of a reasonable suspicion of a serious violation as defined in Article 2, Section 4 of the General Policy of Airsoft Bazaar, deviate from the rule stated in Article 3 and grant itself access to these messages.

    • Section 1: Airsoft Bazaar must always safeguard privacy as much as possible when deviating from Article 3.

    • Section 2: Airsoft Bazaar is not obligated to notify the respective users of the inspection as mentioned in Article 3.

Roles Policy

  • Article 1: Airsoft Bazaar distinguishes 3 roles;

    • Section 1: Admin; Administrators and developers of the website.

    • Section 2: Moderator; Volunteers who contribute to an organized and safe Airsoft Bazaar.

    • Section 3: User; The end user.

  • Article 2: The task of the Admin cannot be described because it is all-encompassing. The Admin will always consider the policy rules in the execution of their tasks.

  • Article 3: The task of the moderator;

    • Section 1: Enforcing the rules set in the policy of Airsoft Bazaar in consultation with the Admins.

    • Section 2: Identifying problems related to Airsoft Bazaar and its users. Problems are reported to the Admins.

    • Section 3: Actively thinking along with the platform and conceiving changes for the benefit of the community.

    • Section 4: Working closely with Admins.

    • Section 5: Moderators can independently adjust or remove ads.

    • Section 6: Moderators do not have access to personal data as defined in the GDPR.

  • Article 4: The user;

    • Section 1: The user is the end user of Airsoft Bazaar.

  • Section 2: If the user has complaints about the platform or moderators, they can contact Airsoft Bazaar via customer service.

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